Once Upon A Time...

I've heard a lot of good tips about how to tell a story like;

Have a wow moment - ie have a part of the story which everyone will remember
Make sure there's structure;
- Like a beginning, middle and end Or
- Set the scene, identify a problem and have an ask
Make it personal - relate to the audience 
Keep it simple
And just keep it short and concise

But the best tip I've heard recently about storytelling is to really think about what you want people to think, feel or do?

Whether you're doing a presentation, asking your boss for something or sending out a weekly report…. On the back of the interaction, what do you want people to think, feel or do?

Sometimes at work you have to present on a regular basis to give an update. But how much better does it feel if you go into the room with the aim to make people think, feel or do something?

Whether that's to make people think you've got it all under control, to make them feel confident in your abilities or that they need to do something to support you. Go into it with a purpose… 

I recently wrote a blog Start with the Why, and I guess this is similar… Why are you sending the report, asking for something or doing the presentation….? If you're clear on that then it helps you plan and structure what you need to do to make an impact and get a result….


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