Life is a Succession of Memories

I've learnt a lot about myself recently while spending a week at Telefonica University in Barcelona. I'm a fairly self aware person however the value of stopping, reflecting and gathering your thoughts is immense and I highly recommend it!

While I was there I spoke to lots of people and the common theme that came out is the importance of balance. It is very personal and individual but whatever 'balance' means to you is worth exploring.

For me, balance right now is about being successful at work and progressing my career but not at the expense of my family. For myself and my family, I want to create memories and I want to shape my two girls into wonderful people.

True balance for me is recognising that me being successful at work compliments my ambitions for my family. 

Questions you can ask yourself...
Why do you get out of bed in the morning? (And not because your kids are jumping on top of you!!!)
What are you passionate about?
Are you proud of how you spend your time?
What does the best possible version of you look like?
Do you believe you are controlling your life?
Where do you want to put your efforts?

No two people will have the same view of what balance is, but when you find your own balance then I believe you have a greater chance of being happy and content with your own life.


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