
Showing posts from May, 2020

Pandemic Parenting - Top 10 Tips

Like all parents, 2 months ago my world got thrown upside down with the reality of having to homeschool 2 young children while working full time! It's definitely not been easy, but guess what?... 2 months on and we're all surviving! The kids may not have learnt any new times tables! And my husband and I often spend time working after the kids are in bed. But… We now have a family dinner EVERY night (which never used to happen) and last week my girls scored me a 9 out of 10 for being a good mum/teacher! #winning (It had been a particularly good day!) Recently I was interviewed by Donna Elliott on the topic of 'pandemic parenting' , and I wanted to share with you all my top tips. You can also watch the 30 minute interview on YouTube here. Tip 1. Organise, diarise but be realistic My husband and I send each other meeting invites so we know who is 'in charge' of the kids, it helps us to be organised, but we also know that we won't stick t...

Find Your Sticky Toffee Pudding

Imagine this - you're out for dinner, you've eaten way too much food and are full! But, the desert menu comes and you see sticky toffee pudding  on the menu, and guess what… You find room!! (Well I always do anyway!) For me helping people is like that! I could be up to my eyeballs - deadlines, presentations, meetings. But someone asks if I've got 5 minutes to help them and my answer is always yes! I've come to realise that not only is it my 'sticky toffee pudding' but it's also where I get my energy from. So whether it's coaching, mentoring, writing a blog or just a quick conversation helping someone, if I can find time for that, it'll give me a boost of energy to tackle the rest of my day. So my question to you… What’s your 'sticky toffee pudding’?  And once you’ve found it, approach it with as much passion and commitment as you can.