Pandemic Parenting - Top 10 Tips

Like all parents, 2 months ago my world got thrown upside down with the reality of having to homeschool 2 young children while working full time! It's definitely not been easy, but guess what?... 2 months on and we're all surviving! The kids may not have learnt any new times tables! And my husband and I often spend time working after the kids are in bed. But… We now have a family dinner EVERY night (which never used to happen) and last week my girls scored me a 9 out of 10 for being a good mum/teacher! #winning (It had been a particularly good day!) Recently I was interviewed by Donna Elliott on the topic of 'pandemic parenting' , and I wanted to share with you all my top tips. You can also watch the 30 minute interview on YouTube here. Tip 1. Organise, diarise but be realistic My husband and I send each other meeting invites so we know who is 'in charge' of the kids, it helps us to be organised, but we also know that we won't stick t...